Hey Guys!

I know it’s been forever, but bop over to my new website, and let me know what you think! Once things settle down, I’ll be able to update more, but this semester I’ve had a senior art show to put together, artwork to finish, a design conference in Texas to attend, a Graphic Design Exit Review to plan for, and a waitressing job to juggle. WILD SEMESTER! But the great news is, on Friday I’ll be a graduate of Old Dominion University! FINALLY! YAY! 


Wish me luck!


Oil Painting and Excuses

Please don’t hate me! I know it’s been FOREVER since I’ve posted on here. I’m a horrible blogger. But I’ve been so busy this summer that my eyes are crossing! Like I told you before, I’ve started an internship with the wonderful women of Maverick Marketing in Virginia Beach. They are amazing, and I’m learning more than I imagined! I work nights as a waitress, and I also just finished taking a painting class this week! I’ll be posting images of two of my favorite pieces. I think I’m going to stick with oils for a little while… I need to start getting show pieces together, and I’m excited to further explore this medium! Thank you for being so patient with me!


PS. I also put a credit card option on my Etsy store! So if anyone is interested in purchasing a piece, it’s easy as pie. I’m also very excited about that.
