The Personality of Cupcakes

I also wanted to let you guys know that I’m starting an Oil Painting class tomorrow, so things will still be running a little slow on my personal work side. Who ever said summer was for relaxing right? Anyway, slow isn’t dead stopped, so I’m still working! I’ve just started on a very small duo of mixed media pieces inspired by cupcakes and my very good friend, Katie, who has just opened her first cupcake shop!

Katie’s Kupcakes— find them on Facebook. Oh wait, I already found it for you. CLICK! Her champagne cupcakes are to die for!  

Anyway, while my cupcakes don’t taste as good as hers (obviously, being made of paper and acrylic paint) they’re still cute as can be. I believe each cupcake has it’s own personality, and I’m thinking that Red Velvet sounds like a little hussy. You’ll see what I mean when I post the finished product. In the meantime, you’ll just have to suffer in suspense! 

– A