Room To Read: A Public Service Poster

Hey Guys!

Have ya’ll been outside? When did it get cold?! I’m taking advantage of this blustery, cold day to do some computer cleaning, backing up, and updating. And I also wanted to update my followers (and friends) on what I’ve been up to the past few weeks! I’m actually going to break up my updates into THREE posts. (Insert ooo’s and ahh’s here.)

My first post will focus on school. I would like to start off by saying that I registered for my very LAST semester of college yesterday, and it was a very scary feeling! In six months I’ll be who knows where, doing who knows what with my life. (I’m really hoping that the ‘where’ isn’t back in my parent’s house and the ‘what’ isn’t waitressing anymore, but hey– I’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it.) Now for the fun stuff… Pictures of my recent projects. I did two assignments recently for my Poster Design class, and  I’m pretty impressed with how they came out!

The first is a poster for a group called “Room to Read” that works with countries in Africa and Asia to teach/encourage kids to read. They also support young girls as they complete school and develop life skills they need to succeed in the world. Growing up, I ran a library out of my desk at school and kids would come to me to borrow books. Even now, my apartment is filled to the brim. If you couldn’t tell, reading is very important to me, so this project touched close to the heart.

I decided to go with the theme “Memories Coming to Life.” I included many of my favorite characters from books I read while growing up. I even threw in a few newer characters here and there. The beauty of this poster is that it appeals to all ages. Parents can look at this poster and remember the books that they read to their children and kids are attracted to its adventurous characters and bright colors. Hopefully this poster encourages people to step out and help this fantastic organization!